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Use of Information
This website and online renewals application are provided as resources for public
use. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and timely information, but
errors can occur and the Cullman County Commission, Cullman Judge of Probate and Ingenuity, Inc. are not responsible for any results related
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Disclaimer of Liability
The Cullman County Commission, Cullman Judge of Probate and Ingenuity, Inc. present material on this website without any
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The information herein may contain bugs, errors, problems or other limitations.
The Cullman County Commission, Cullman Judge of Probate and Ingenuity, Inc. assume no liability or responsibility for any
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Refunds will only be provided for overpayments. No refunds may be issued through
this site. For information regarding refunds for orders processed on this site, please
contact the Cullman County probate office at (256)775-4652 or .